Because Acromegaly causes HGH levels too be way to high, sometimes the side effects can be organ growth...enlarged heart, leading to heart failure for example.
This is also true of the large intestine. Growths called polyps can form. They are basically little lumps in the large intestine. If they continue to grow, (and with high levels of HGH raging in an Acromegalic body that is likely) they can become cancerous and getting colon cancer is not one of the easier ones to beat.
So I prepared by having a clear diet...basically a juice fast, with popsicles and soup broth. Then on the day of the procedure you fast and stop the water drinking as well.
(There is also a big jug of Colyte you have to drink that helps push water through your bowels...not fun)
I didn't want to be sedated for the procedure so that I would have a clear recollection of everything for this blog....
Just kidding.
I just didn't want to go through the hassle of being escorted home etc.etc. So I did it without the painkillers. If you are going to do this....take the pain killers.
They wheeled me into the room and a Doctor and Nurse were preparing. Basically I rolled onto my left side and the Doc proceeded to stuff a camera/fibre optic cable up my ass...inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by inch by get the idea.
It didn't "hurt" in terms of pain, but it was weird and totally uncomfortable. Sort of like extreme bloating with an occassional cramp.
The nurse asked me if I was doing okay as I realized I was started to hyperventilate just from the stress. I said, "Not bad" but in my mind I was like, "What the Fuck! Why?!?! Why!?!?"
And then A-Ha started playing on the radio.
I mentioned to the team that I was just thinking I could use some A-Ha.
Great soundtrack for having a camera stuffed endlessly up your ass.
They made their way to the small intestine. This is where the connection between your digestive intestine connects with you waste disposing large intestine. That's as far up as they go. It looked fine.
On the way out they did a double check.
They did find one little polyp close to the exit. It was the size of a pencil lead...tiny. Apparently they are common in everyone and they told me it was probably nothing, (I've heard that shit before).
Anyway, it'll get labbed up and that should be the end of it. (No pun intended)
Later skaters!
(**August 19th update** - The results came back fine-)