Friday, February 25, 2011

Follow ups

Hi Y'all!

So I had a couple of follow ups with the Doctors. Nothing much to mention to be honest.
My Endocrinologist said my hormone levels and blood work came back normal.

She said they will test the IGF-1 levels in about couple months or so. I guess they like to have a lag time between the tumor removal and the blood test of IGF-1 in order to ensure enough time has passed to have a stable result.

Seems weird that it would take so long, but I suppose after years of high HGH levels your body needs time for secondary results to normalize.

Speaking of secondary blood pressure seems to be normalizing as well. My normal dose of medication for high blood pressure is proving to be too much now. It has been cut in half because I was noticing symptoms of too low blood pressure.

I also had slightly higher end blood sugar readings and the Doctor said that will probably drop as well.

Great news!

I also met with the Neurosurgeon and he said everything went fine. I am hoping to get a video of the surgery to add to the site. He said it was interesting. Apparently the tumor grew on the side and spread around the back of my pituitary so they basically lifted up the gland and scraped everything out from behind it.

Anyway, no new updates for a couple months now until I get some follow up results.

See you in May!

Friday, February 4, 2011