Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Met with the Endocrinologist today!

So I had my follow up today.

The IGF-1 level is now 320.

This is good news....with a P.S. at the end.

Basically, as you have seen from previous posts, someone my age should have an upper most range of about 306 for an IGF-1 reading. I am still 15 points above the high end of the range.

Sooo.....I am doing another sugar drink test, like I did last year. They are going to take my blood over the course of a few hours and after drinking sugary drinks. Somehow this gives them a more accurate HGH reading.

After this happens my Doctor will have an exact and precise level of where I am at. If it is still a little over the limit then medicine will be the next step. Parlodel is what is recommended.

I guess the decision will be, do I take dopamine stimulators that suppress HGH production? Even though I'm almost normal? If I was a few years younger the 320 would be normal. Is it really THAT big of a deal to be 4% higher than what is ideal? A big enough deal to take medication with potential side effects for the rest of my life?

I'll wait to see what the more precise results show when I do the sugar drink test. If any of my reads have advice on this send me a note.

All the best everyone.