Had my meeting with my Endo-Doc and she relayed the numbers to me.
My Calgary lab said I was running an IGF-1 at 486 with a reference range of 115-307
The Mayo Clinic lab sent back a different reading of 286 with a reference range of 71-241
What does this mean?
Well, the Calgary labs are trending everyone upwards. My results have been with the lab for the past few years, so even with a lab problem I still don't like the rising numbers. The fear is that the trace amounts of Growth Hormone cells left over from the surgery are multiplying and dividing and causing my hormone levels to steadily increase.
The Mayo Clinic number and reference range are roughly the same as where I was before the problem with the Calgary labs started. My IGF-1 level is basically normal for someone ten years younger than my 35 years.
I thought long ago that if the numbers were roughly correct, I'd just live with it. Due to the recent uncertainty, however, my Doc wants me to start a drug called Sandostatin. This drug is given once a month via IM injection in the butt cheek.
It costs $1500 bucks per shot, but my insurance will cover most of it, costing me about $300 out of pocket.
I'm going to do it for three months and then we'll take another IGF-1 reading and send it to the Mayo clinic. If the numbers come back way lower and the drug doesn't have any side effects, then we'll know it works and it will be an option in the future.
So...I thought this blog would be a dead reference, but I will be continuing it after all. Watch with wonder as I get my first injection! We'll see what the numbers come back at. More updates and decisions to follow.