Sunday, June 2, 2013

Slow and Steady

Hi Everyone!

Well it's been 5 months since the new year began and I thought I'd pop out another post even though there isn't a lot to report.

I did some more blood work and my IGF-1 level came back as 389.

Not what I wanted to hear.

My Doctor wants me to do it again though, because she said that ALL her patients are coming back with higher numbers than normal, so she wants an 'outside the province' lab to investigate. Thus, I'm having my blood sent to the Mayo clinic in order to get a better reading.

I go in for another blood test end of June.

I'll keep updating though!

Have a great June!


  1. Hi Jeff,
    I wanted to wish you luck on your last lab test. I hope it went well.

    I have just discovered that I have a high IgA although I seem to be having a hard time getting into an endocrinologist as my normal doc doesn't see the need; I'm waiting to see another doctor this week.

    Anyway, I'm in Calgary too, and was wondering if you could tell me who your endo was and who did your surgery? I haven't yet been diagnosed as acro, but with an IGF-1 close to 50% above the upper normal limit, I think it's only a matter of time unril I need some good doctors.

    Thanks. have fun Stampeding.


    1. Hey Nicole,
      Sorry for the slow reply. I don't check this blog regularly so I just noticed the comment today.

      My endocrinologist is Dr. Susan Kinnear. She works downtown. 403-221-4476.
      She's been very good to me and has solved two separate problems so I would highly recommend her. She tells it like it is.

      P.S. - If your family doctor got a lab test back that said the IGF-1 level is 50% above normal and he doesn't feel the need to investigate. Fire them and get a new family doctor.

      Good luck with your journey. They can do so much now it's amazing.
      All the best,

  2. Oops, I tried to reply and lost it...

    Thanks for your help, Jeff. It's great to have a name of an endo who has seen this before who I can contact if I can't get a referral.

    I have fired my family doctor, I am looking for a new one, and in the process of having an orthomolecular doctor (bit alternative) retest my IGF-1 in the meantime.

    Thanks again for your help. I appreciate it. I hope you are doing fine.


  3. Hey Jeff,
    I was wondering how your labs from the Mayo clinic went? Did they have a lower IGF-1 result for you? Hope it went well.

