Monday, November 1, 2010

First Past the Post!

Okay y'all,

I've read some of the blogs out there and thanks to them I have pursued my search for a diagnosis, probably ten years before I otherwise would have.

The internet, man...the greatest invention since the printing press.

Anyway, in 2008 I went in for a check up with my family Doc. I turned 30, and I thought it might be a good idea to do a full check up. I knew I was perfectly healthy, but hey, we have Universal Health Care in Canada so why not get a check up, even if you don't need it?!?! It's like a tax rebate right?

Everything went fine and then the Doc did a quick throat check and felt a lump on my thyroid.

Since this is an Acromegaly blog and not a thyroid cancer blog I will skip the details of the past two years and end with this.
They treated it and kicked it's ass. Cut out the thyroid completely and burned everything in it's wake with radioactive iodine. Fuck you cancer.

A couple of all clears and I was feeling great. Ready to take on the world.

During the whole ordeal I did some obsessive thyroid cancer research. (I don't recommend too much internet diagnosising, but a little is okay. You can go down a dark road, where it's 1am and you have to work the next day and your heart is pounding because some pdf file documenting a Japanese study that linked thyroid cancer with shell fish in 1983 hasn't been completely other words...get a grip and calm down...a little ignorance is bliss)

During the research I read about a link between thyroid cancer and acromegaly. Not very common and my Endocronologist says it actually isn't solid so whatever. Nevertheless I self diagnosised Acromegaly.

Because of the cancer affair I believe I have caught the Acromegaly process early. I have very few symptoms and got an IGF1 test last week. Came back as double normal.

In other looks like I am about to begin the treatment process for this disorder. In two weeks time I have an appointment with a nurse to do the sugar drinking stuff and a laundry list of other blood tests to see if any side problems are starting from the Acromegaly.


Cancer, now this. WTF? Seriously. This shit is supposed to happen to other people. You say things like, "That's a shame" and then turn your attention back to important things like Charlie Sheen trashing his hotel room and what kind of burger you'll get for lunch and who'll win the world series.

As my pastor has said, "We're all going to end up in one of three conclusions....we'll get hurt and die, sick and die, old and die".
I guess it's how you walk the road.
I plan to walk the road with a little more Tony Stark recklessness from now on.


  1. Wow, sounds like you've been through a lot. Did you get any tests done to find out if the thyroid and the acromegaly were actually related?

    How long do you think the pituitary tumor has been growing? Do you remember when you started to have symptoms?


    PS Bravo for taking charge of your own health and getting everything checked out.

  2. Hi Ellen,

    My Endocrinologist assures me that there is no direct link between thyroid cancer and acromegaly.
    She simply said that acromegaly does result in a tendency for increased cancer risk in general, so thyroid does seem to be one of those risks.
    Luck of the draw I suppose.

    My pituitary tumour has probably been growing for about ten - fourteen years I guess. I am 33, but have had some minor symptoms for all of my adult life. Pudgy hands, sweating...

    It was about five years ago that my jaw began to shift and my teeth no longer matched up. I thought it was really weird, but no one knew why it was happening.

    After that, I turned 30 and had the check up and the rest is recounted on the blog.

    Another guy in the UK documented his journey with acromegaly so I thought I'd do the same. It helps the writer and the readers.

    All the best Ellen.
