Thursday, January 27, 2011


Upon waking in the recovery room, I put my hand against my forehead.

"What the hell?"

My forehead felt different. It felt boney. The skin felt thin.

I kept running my fingers over my forehead and although it was a subtle was a change.

After a day or two of recovery, I looked in the mirror and it was shocking to me. My forehead was far different. I used to have deep chubby lines along my forehead and as I was agining I was getting Clint Eastwood style vertical lines coming down from my hair line.

The lines were still there, but they were flat. I raised my eyebrows and this brought the lines back, but not as much as they naturally used to be.

It felt great to see something so immediate.


Anyone have this problem?

It had been so long that I was accustomed to dealing with excessive sweating that I had forgotten what normal was. I used to take two showers a day in the summer and always wore an undershirt when wearing a dress shirt like the dude above in hopes that the under shirt would soak up the sweat...even WITH underarm deodorant.

It was within the first day that I noticed this was different.

Not sweating, "just cuz" now the norm for me.
I can sleep through the night without bouts of sweat. I can sit cross legged without sweat starting to form behind the knees. I can walk around without a low grade sweat breaking out just as a matter of activity.

My Mom noticed a lot of subtle changes once she started looking for them. My eyes are bigger and my face is subtly softer/thinner.
My tongue.

I have a big tongue and Acromegaly has made it bigger, to the point where it was affecting my speech. Sometimes if I mumbled it would sound kind of tonguey. Like Chef Jamie Oliver. Less clear and sharp.

The size of my tongue has been reduced. Not a lot. But enough to notice.

These are the big three changes I have noticed.
I imagine at this point the changes will level off. My hands and feet look the same to me and of course bone structures like my jaw will not return to normal, but changes have happened and I love it!!

Be prepared for a transformation!

More later....

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