Monday, January 10, 2011

Met with the Anesthesiologist

I got up today and walked to the hospital in the freezing brutal winter we are having. Global Warming? Not enough if you ask me.

Anyway, I met with the nurse and she did an ECG on my heart. All good.

Then another nurse came in and took my blood pressure and asked me some questions about medications that I'm taking and what not. She did the height and weight charts. I am almost 6 foot, 2 inches and I weigh about 254 pounds.

I am a fat bear. Luckily I wear it well and I've usually been active through my life, but I enjoy my meals too much and it has caught up with me. I need to lose some fat, so that I'm not such a fat ass.

So then another older lady entered the room. She wasn't a nurse, she was an Eastern European researcher that worked for the hospital and the University of Calgary. She wanted me to sign over the rights to my tumor so they can study it and research it and learn about it for future benefit. I think she also mentioned something about cloning me using the tumor as a jumping off point for the DNA, this is so they can start an army of tumor riddled fat acromegalic super solider clones.
I might of just been daydreaming about that last part.

Then I finally met with the Doc. He asked me about family history and surgical history. Nothing too major.

I was then handed a bunch of paper with info about the day of the surgery. Stuff like, don't eat or drink within so many hours...don't bring personal items with you upon admission....etc.etc.

Pretty straight forward.

On Wednesday I go for another test...and then I'll be all set for Next Tuesday...Surgery!


  1. I have acromegaly too and am going to meet my neurosurgeon next week. I'll keep following your blog!

  2. Seems like you are in good spirits, and judging from your past few posts, you have a great attitude and sense of humor about the whole thing, which I think is SO IMPORTANT!

    I hope your surgery goes well! I'm looking forward to reading all about it!
